Tuesday, September 9, 2014

An open letter to those who say we "TOOK THEIR JOBS.".

The following is an open letter to those who say we TOOK THEIR JOBS.

Dear asshole,

The stupidity of this claim is beyond me. 

Took your jobs? Your guys brought jobs here. We didn’t ask them to. 

American companies brought the jobs here because it takes so much to pay you to do something; a third of the salary of one of you guys is a high-paying job for us.

What did we do? We allowed them to bring the jobs here. 

What would you have done? Now that employment is down in your country, if Germany proposed to introduce an industry that will give your people high-paying jobs, will you tell them to stay in Germany and give the jobs to Germans?

You want to be mad because the jobs are here? If you want to be mad at us, you can think about what I just said. 

If you want to be mad at the companies who take their businesses here, think about this: If a company can afford to pay one American for every 15 customers; and they have the option to hire three Filipinos instead. That means that if they take the three Filipinos, you would come fifth to be served. And if they take one American, you will be fifteenth. If they chose to give the job to that one American, will you be willing to wait your turn?

This is happening because a lot of you guys are so fucking demanding. Most of you guys don’t know how to wait their turn. 

Some of you depend on your government too much and whine about how everything can’t be spoon fed to you by your great American government.

Why don’t you leave your country, find a job in a different country like we do? Or maybe, you should be the ones wiping the asses of your old folks so that we won’t ‘take your jobs.’

Some of you think so low of other nations because you think so highly of America. Go beyond what your media projects in movies and look at your country and be conscious of the attitudes of many of your people towards other nations, towards other people and even towards those of your own. 

Then, let me know if you’re proud of yourselves, racist assholes.

+++ Only for racist assholes. Please, non-racist asshole, do not bitch unnecessarily.

Complete story on: http://whiteshoesandbluejeans.blogspot.com/2014/09/mr-fcking-malone.html

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