Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Fault in "If I Stay"

I'm no movie critic so I don't really have much credibility in reviewing movies. I just wanna let out my blab since... well, thisIS my blog.

I am a romantic. No, seriously. I am. Amidst the "you can't touch me" facade, I do like the cheesy things. I like fast lines that strike an arrow to the heart. Lines here may have been quite right. But it's forgetable because the delivery is so bland. I say voice coach for the leads, please. Why can the supporting actors deliver lines convincingly and the leads are lagging behind?

Leading actress. Darling, you are so pretty. All you need now are acting skills. And a voice coach. Your brother just died and all you can do is a squeaky "no." I begin to doubt if you really wanted him to live.

I have seen Reese Witherspoon in Just Like Heaven. Also, seen The Fault in Our Stars. And with the horribly close plots, I can't help but compare. And this movie does not even compare.

I have a problem with the camera angles. I have no idea what my problem is with it. It just seems like the cameras need to be in a different position or should be focused on a subject.

Anyhow. Final say? Bad movie. Bad, bad.

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